15 Day Challenge

Lesson 13: Pop-Bys


  • Do 1 pop by within the next 30 days

    • Choose a pop by idea below or find another idea online (Pinterest is great for these)

  • Add your second pop by to your calendar for later in the year


  • Pop by ideas

    • Valentine's day candy-gram

    • Pumpkin delivery

    • Lottery tickets

    • Advent calendars

    • Hot chocolate mix

    • Windshield washer fluid

    • Homemade goodies

    • Salt for snow

    • Poinsettia (watch for pets - can be poisonous)

    • Coffee mugs

    • Pumpkins

    • Gift baskets

    • Holiday ornaments for their first year in a house

    • Branded coffee

    • Sports playoff kit

    • Fancy chocolates (something they wouldn’t normally get for themselves)

    • Walking tours

    • Popcorn - “Just popping by”

    • Calendars

    • Easter egg coloring


Places We Can Hang 🤙

  • Personal IG (my personal life) / Rev IG (real estate tips)

  • TikTok (mostly quick real estate tips)

  • Podcast (solo episodes, team discussions, interviews)

  • YouTube (longer form learning and some fast ideas)

  • My email is michael@revrealestateschool.com

Video Transcript

0:00 Hello, and welcome back to your 15 day challenge. My name's Michael Montgomery, and today what we're talking about are pop buys.

0:08 Now, before we dive into pop buys, it's important for you to have just an understanding of how powerful these can be and how they are just not used nearly enough.

0:18 So I know an agent relatively close to my market. What he does for prospecting is he sends out three pop buys per year.

0:26 So that's his whole prospecting method is three pop buys per year. He also has a monthly email newsletter that goes out to his clients.

0:33 And then on top of that, he does his three pop buys per year. So realistically, not a ton of work, right?

0:38 Three Popeyes and then one email newsletter. How much do we think he makes in gross commission over the course of a year?

0:45 Well, he is between one to 1.5 million, and this is all credited to the fact that all he does are these pop buys.

0:54 Now, three times a year, he has structured pop buys where he will be delivering something to somebody's house. Now he'll either deliver it or he'll have it delivered At this point in time, he has it delivered by a courier or something like that, or a delivery company can actually deliver these items.

1:08 He does it three times throughout the year. Then he has his email newsletter, which is basically automated, and from there he does between one to 1.5 million.

1:16 And the craziest thing is this is exclusively referrals. Does not pay for any ads, does not pay for any online leads or anything along those lines, or geofarming.

1:24 All he does is repeat and referral, and this is how he credits all of his business. So with that in mind, understand the power of these pop buys.

1:32 The beautiful thing about a pop buy is you are delivering something to somebody's house. It's extremely memorable, you know where they live.

1:39 So that's also extremely helpful. And on top of that, it just lingers in their mind for way longer than most other interactions.

1:48 Now, if you're brand new and you don't have a lot of people's addresses, this is a perfect opportunity. You can do a pop buy, and in doing so, you can ask for people's addresses so that you can drop off the gift.

1:59 Now, within the task below, you're going to see a whole bunch of ideas when it comes to Popeyes. You can also just Google this.

2:05 You're going to find a ton of other ideas. Find a Popeye idea that works for you, and ensure you're doing at least two Popeyes a year.

2:13 This is going to take a huge weight off your shoulders when it comes to prospecting, and that's because this Popeye is actually a prospecting activity that lingers with people longer than a text message, phone call, email, or anything like that.

2:28 It sticks with them for a longer period of time. So at a minimum, you wanna be doing two of these a year.

2:33 So what is the task for today? The task is over the course of the next 30 days. So over the course of the next month, you have to do one pop by.

2:41 Now again, you can directly deliver these. However, I prefer not to knock on the door, I just prefer to leave it at the doorstep, shoot them a quick text message.

2:49 So you can do it that way, or you can have them sent. Now, there's a lot of ideas for you, or you can choose whatever idea works best for you, but in the next 30 days, your Database should all receive something from you.

3:02 Now, if you're thinking that this might be expensive, the alternative to this is just do handwritten cards. So instead of doing the pop buys, you can do handwritten cards to all of these people.

3:13 So that's another alternative. If you don't wanna spend money on say, some small gift or some small item or a gift card to something, you can just simply do a handwritten card and do those two times a year, and you are set.

3:26 So over the course of the next 30 days, you're either doing a pop by or you are doing a mass mailing using handwritten cards to your database.

3:33 Thank you very much, and we'll see you in the next challenge tomorrow.