15 Day Challenge

Lesson 2: Text Twos & One Card


  • Complete your “text twos.”

    • Important Reminder: Continue to do this throughout the challenge and afterward. Make text twos a habit, and voilà, you’re a prospecting agent and now part of the 10% of agents who command 90% of the market.

  • Send one card

    • Reasons to send a card: Thank you, congratulations, made me think of you

    • Trick: Look at your calendar and consider where you have been in the past few days. These are opportunities to send a card. Been to a restaurant? Send a card to the owner & server. Met someone at an event? Send a card. Made a new business connection? Send a card

    • List of reasons to send a card

      • Simply for being a friend

      • For being a reliable business partner

      • On the anniversary of having met one another

      • On the anniversary of having signed an agreement

      • For a small favor they did more than six months ago

      • For the positive traits you appreciate about them

      • For being a mentor

      • For offering their unwavering support

      • For never being judgmental toward you

      • For offering advice that made a positive difference in your life

      • For introducing you to someone of value

      • For an idea or concept they gave you

      • For being someone you can rely on

      • For introducing you to a tool, software, or best practice you’re still using today

      • For going above-and-beyond on something small

      • For something they did for someone you care about

      • For creating great content that has been valuable to you

      • For telling you the truth (even when it’s hard)

      • For inspiring you to overcome difficult odds

      • For their honest insight and feedback on your work

      • For being willing to meet you in the first place


  • Conduct text twos & one card every working day (5 days per week)

  • Text twos need to be people you aren’t currently in conversation with or close family or friends who you’d likely text either way.

  • Cards are best when they are used to express gratitude (big or small)


Places We Can Hang 🤙

Video Transcript

0:00 Hello and welcome back to the 15 Day Challenge. My name is Michael Montgomery and today is lesson number two. Lesson number two is text twos and one card.

0:10 Before we jump into the concept though, we first have to understand a few very important statistics, and these statistics will all make sense as we start to talk about the concept.

0:19 So the first one is this. What percentage of real estate agents do you think never follow up with their client after the transaction?

0:28 The answer, 91%. 91%. Next, what percentage of clients say that they would use their agent again after the transaction? Well, if they bought, 88% would use their agent.

0:44 Again, if they sold, 85% would use their agent. Again, in reality, 25% use their agent. Again. Now, if you're new, you can be thinking that, hey, maybe this is actually an opportunity.

0:57 Somebody who bought through one realtor doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna use that same realtor to sell. And if you are experienced, just because you did a great job of helping this person, buy doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna come back to you naturally to sell.

1:09 You have to maintain that relationship. Now, one final stat. What percentage of real estate agents do you think prospect on a regular basis? 1:18 The answer is 10%. 10% of real estate agents. Now, this number is extremely interesting. It's extremely interesting because did you know that within almost all markets, 10% of real estate agents do about 90% of the transactions?

1:35 So when we think about that math, 10% of agents are doing 90% of the transactions and 10% of real estate agents are ones that prospect on a regular basis.

1:44 Who do we think those 10% of agents doing? 90% of the deals are the non prospectors or the prospectors? Probably the prospectors, but it's not always as easy as just starting a prospecting habit.

1:55 What we have to do is we have to build up slowly, and the way that we can do this is using the Text two one card model.

2:03 And it works like this. It's actually quite straightforward. Every single morning when you start your day, you are going to send two text messages.

2:11 Now, these text messages can be to anyone, past clients, potential leads, even people in your soi. However, it can't be somebody you would normally be texting throughout the day, so family member, friend or something like that.

2:24 And it can't be somebody who you're currently in conversation with, maybe a buyer or something like that. Okay? So outside of that, everything else counts.

2:33 And it can be a text message, it can be a social media dm, or it can be an email. So something in written form or even an audio note that would work as well.

2:41 So you have to do this every single working morning. Now, oftentimes when we think of prospecting, we think we need to be making 150 cold calls every single day, and that's what prospecting is.

2:50 Well, yes, that's a form of prospecting, but in fact, that's not always the best use of our time. What would be a lot better use of our time?

2:57 When we're thinking of high dollar per hour Activities, it's texting and talking to people within our database. So all you have to do is open your database or open your phone, go and find somebody in there and start a conversation.

3:09 It has to be an outbound conversation. And what you're going to notice is the first few days, if you're not used to prospecting, this is going to feel like a challenge, but by day 3, 4, 5, this is going to feel extremely normal.

3:21 So you're starting your day with your text twos, and by the end of the week, if you're working five days a week, you've actually made 10 prospecting touches.

3:28 Then throughout that week in a one-to-one capacity, which is the strongest type of prospecting activity, so you are now a prospecting agent.

3:35 The second activity one card. So after your text twos, you are going to send one handwritten card. Now, who are you going to send that to?

3:43 Truly, it doesn't matter. Again, it shouldn't be somebody who you're constantly in contact with, but other than that, it can be anybody.

3:50 Now, my hack for handwritten cards is quite simple. All I do is I look in my calendar and I look at previous events.

3:58 So have I been to an event? Have I been to a restaurant? Did I do a listing presentation? Did I need a buyer?

4:02 And by looking at my calendar, I'm going to pick out one of those people and I'm going to send them a handwritten card.

4:07 And what should these handwritten cards say? Well, they really say three things. They could say, thank you, congratulations, or I was thinking of you for some reason.

4:16 That's it. Now, within the task below, there's going to be a number of reasons why you can send a handwritten card, but everybody should be able to send at least one handwritten card a day.

4:26 Do this for three months, and you will have transactions in your pipeline. And you are also going to be a prospecting real estate agent.

4:34 And again, there is 10% of agents who do 90% of the transactions and 10% of agents are prospecting agents. So make yourself a prospecting agent.

4:42 Don't worry about 150 cold call dials and knocking on a bunch of doors. You are simply texting two people and sending one card.

4:49 Simple as that. That is your challenge today, and you'll continue to do this throughout the challenge as well.