15 Day Challenge

Lesson 3: Triggers


  • Add a “triggers” section in your CRM. You can also use the general background section if your CRM has this field.

  • Fill in the triggers for those clients you are currently working with. Don’t worry about all your past clients. You’re welcome to dive into this group of people but it’s easier to complete this while you’re working with them since you’re actively involved in their life.


  • Check the triggers section before reaching out or following up.

  • This is the most important field in your CRM


Places We Can Hang 🤙

Video Transcript

0:00 Hello, and welcome back to your 15 day challenge. My name is Michael Montgomery, and today we are in day three. So yesterday we were talking about this text, twos and one card.

0:11 So you're going to continue doing this throughout the 15 day challenge. You're going to do this every single morning, but sometimes you might be thinking to yourself, well, what am I going to write in that text?

0:20 Or what am I going to write in that card? Well, this is where the concept of triggers comes up. So triggers is the most important field that you will have in your CRM.

0:31 It's not the purchase price, it's not their lender, it's not even their email. I don't even feel like it's their address.

0:36 Triggers is the most important field, and in most cases, you will make this a custom field or its background. So what is this all about?

0:44 Well, let's take a look at what triggers are and how we build something in called planned randomness. Triggers are all about finding planned randomness when it comes to our database.

0:56 Okay, so triggers. What exactly are these? Well, oftentimes when we're thinking of reaching out to people, we think about using this phrase, just following up.

1:06 Now, there are times where we are just going to be following up. So it's not like we want to get rid of that phrase completely, but I try to avoid using that phrase if possible.

1:14 Now, what can I do in order to avoid using that phrase? I have to know the individual. So let's discuss what exactly we're talking about when we're talking about triggers.

1:25 So as you can see here, triggers are context and content. Why are you reaching out and what are you saying when you are reaching out to them?

1:33 Well, in order for us to have that information, we need to know who the individual is. So within your crm, start a field called triggers, or you can use the background section if your CRM has something along those lines.

1:47 And within this section, what you are going to put are things that are of interest to that individual. Now, this is easily done when you are currently working with the person or when you meet the person, or even when the transaction wraps up.

2:00 This is very hard to do years after the fact. So if you haven't done this up until now, your task today is to start and to start filling out triggers.

2:09 So what are the hobbies? What are the interests of this particular individual? So for example, let's just have a quick look here.

2:16 So let's say we have John, and John loves hiking. He loves gadgets, he's interested in crypto. He's a hockey fan.

2:22 Now John is actually a true person, changed his name, but truly from my crm and the exact triggers, these are things that are of interest to him that we have discussed.

2:31 So when I'm reaching out to John, I can ask him, what are the hikes you've been on recently? What gadgets are you into?

2:37 What's happening in this crypto world because I don't understand it? Or what sort of hockey are you watching? You can clearly tell I'm not much of a hockey fan, but what hockey team are you cheering for?

2:45 That's a better one. So we can reach out to them with purpose. And then this leads to the concept of planned randomness.

2:53 So when we see something hiking related or crypto related or hockey related, it's an opportunity To reach out to this individual.

3:02 So here's some examples. Just noticed you welcomed a dog into your house, and what first hikes are you taking him on?

3:08 So here is somebody who potentially posts on social media that they have a dog, and I know from the CRM from trigger section that they enjoy hiking.

3:15 And now I've started a conversation. Notice I haven't brought up real estate at all. I'm just creating a deeper relationship with this individual.

3:23 So your task today is quite simple. It's going into your crm, creating this section and starting to fill it out.

3:29 So start to fill out triggers that you have at the top of your mind for clients that you're currently working with or past clients.

3:35 Then when you're doing your text twos or your one card, or you're just reaching out to them in general, you can bring up their file and you can find out what is of interest to them.

3:44 Now, you should also have kids' names and pet's names. In fact, if somebody has kids, that's going to hugely supersede the pet.

3:51 But if they do not have kids, the pet becomes extremely important. So remembering the pet's name is a huge, huge game changer when it comes to forming relationships.

4:01 So this section triggers is all about finding opportunities to reach out and reaching out with a level of context that's avoiding this concept of, Hey, just following up, what's up?

4:11 Not that there's anything wrong with using that once in a while, but when we have the triggers in our crm, it just creates more conversational ammunition for us.

4:20 Thank you very much, and we'll see you here tomorrow for lesson number.