How To Predict Real Estate Prices
Do you want to know what prices are going to do in your city over the next year? With these tips for real estate agents, you can put yourself in the best position possible to estimate what will happen with real estate prices over the next year. Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances that can impact the real estate market but with these tips you can increase the chances that you will be able to accurately forecast the direction of the market.

How To Deal with A Quick Offer in Real Estate
There is nothing better than putting a property on the market and receiving a quick offer. As a real estate agent, you jump for joy knowing that the pricing, marketing, and timing all aligned on this listing. You go to present the offer to the seller knowing that they will be equally as excited to be receiving an offer this quickly and the seller turns to you and says “No, we are too new on the market”
Just like that, your excitement evaporates, and you are trying to find the right things to say to your seller.

The Best Price Reduction Strategy for Real Estate Agents
Trying to find the best price reduction strategy as a real estate agent can be a challenge. Set yourself up for success with an email template and script to help your chances at securing a price reduction in real estate. Out of all the conversations you have with a client, price reductions can be one of the most challenging. Therefore, know you are not alone if you are shaking when dialing your seller's phone number.