![Ultimate Guide: Geo Farming in Real Estate [2023]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64f752d16d7f4857424daabb/1694086350146-Y854PYQ7ON0AV2S9YV8E/Blog+Title+Image.png)

31 Savvy Real Estate Open House Ideas and Scripts for 2021
As a real estate agent, open houses can be a great lead generation strategy to increase your real estate sales. You have the opportunity to chat with current and potential home buyers. Through your open house, if set up properly and you invited the neighbors, you can acquire their contact information and become their future real estate agent. Hosting a real estate open house is one of Rev Real Estate School’s top ideas for lead generation, but what are some unique ideas to attract people to your open house? Furthermore, how do we motivate open house attendees to use the sign in sheet and provide their contact information?

10 Real Estate Farming Mistakes (And How To Fix Them)
Farming in real estate is one of the best ways to build your business. If you look to high producers in your city, it's likely these real estate agents are all farming an area. There are some common mistakes that real estate agents can make when they start farming. In this real estate agent training podcast, you will learn 10 mistakes that REALTORS are making and how to fix these issues.

Is Cold Calling Dead in Real Estate?
Almost every real estate agent will consider cold calling in their career. They may not like it when people cold call them but part of them is intrigued by the idea of picking up the phone, making a few calls and landing a listing presentation. Cold calling is a perfectly acceptable form of lead generation in real estate, but you need to understand that trade offs. If your cold calling is coming at the expense of your database marketing, then you are making a mistake. Cold calling is a huge time investment and, in our opinion, there are better ways to generate leads in real estate. That said, it can be used in tandem with geo farming.

Real Estate Agent Geo Farming Plan
Geographic farming is the most powerful way to grow and maintain a successful real estate business. It allows you to establish your brand and centralize your listings and sales in one geographic area. To be a successful farmer you must commit to an area and understand that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Setting up these expectations and being in the right mindset right out of the gate is the key to success. As a new real estate agent, you can quickly become a geo farming pro with these quick tips.