21 Effective Ways to Ask for Referrals (Even If You Hate Asking)
As a real estate agent, you need to understand how to ask for real estate referrals. Top producers in real estate not only provide excellent service when buying or selling real estate, but they also leverage people in their network to grow their business and stay top of mind. There are several sources of referrals in real estate, whether that be friends and family, your sphere of influence, past clients, other real estate agents, or business owners.

Building Trust With Real Estate Buyers
As a real estate agent, most of your business will probably come from your sphere of influence, past clients, and referrals. One of the best ways to spark referrals is through building trust with your current buyers. Real estate buyers can be the best source of referrals because they spend so much time with their agent and a bond is formed. You can build more trust with your buyers by offering them a ride, pointing out negatives in homes, asking questions, providing advice, and nailing your social media profiles.

B2B Sales in Real Estate
In real estate, agents are quick to have many conversations with potential consumers, however, they forget about business contacts. REALTORs that overlook business to business (B2B) contacts are missing a large potential source of referrals. Just like other business owners, real estate agents can build strong relationships with other business owners in theri city.