The Rule of 7 in Real Estate Agent Marketing
As a real estate agent, you need to be constantly staying top of mind with your clients and potential clients. Have you ever logged onto Facebook and noticed that someone in your network just listed their home with another agent? This is one of the most challenging feelings in real estate. One of the main contributors to this is not everyone in your database knows you are in real estate. In fact, in marketing, there is a rule that people need to hear your message 7 times before they start to see you as a service provider. Therefore, if you have only had a few conversations with the person that listed with someone else, then chances are, they don’t even know you are in real estate.

Proven Instagram Tips for New Real Estate Agents
Instagram is an amazing tool for real estate agents and if used properly it can lead to an endless stream of business. Along with other social media channels, Instagram is a top way to easily stay in touch with your network and build new connections. In this lesson, you will learn 4 quick tips that you can start using right away and there are 5 Instagram tools that will help speed up your success on Instagram.

The Best Free Real Estate Agent Tools for 2019
As a real estate agent, there are so many apps, tools, and CRMs to choose from. Each piece of software works a little differently and has certain features. What are the best tools out there if you are on a budget and want to focus on free tools only? We have your back! Here are our favorite real estate agent tools, apps, and CRMs for 2019. They include tools for meditation, productivity, organization, video, lead generation, social media, and graphic design.

Free Marketing Ideas for New Real Estate Agents in 2019
Being a real estate agent is an expensive career. There are all your known costs like your brokerage, office supplies, board dues, and then there are all those additional marketing costs that you weren’t expecting. How can you generate leads if you don’t have the marketing budget of other REALTORs? Well, it’s actually much easier than you would think. The best source of business for a new real estate agent with a low budget is your sphere. You need to know how to best stay in front of your sphere to start producing at a high level.

The BEST Content Marketing Channel for Real Estate
As a real estate agent, you need to be leveraging content marketing to help attract more leads and prospects to you, but, with all the content marketing channels out there, which is the best one for a real estate agent? Content marketing in real estate can consist of blogging, social media, video, podcasting/audio, and even books and speaking. With all these approaches to content marketing and only so much time to dedicate to producing content, it can be hard to find the right channel to use as a REALTOR.

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads for Real Estate Agents
As a real estate agent, you are constantly looking for lead generation tips and tricks to help drive more businesses into your pipeline. When looking at lead generation strategies, the two main sources are Facebook Ads and Google Ads. As a real estate agent, is which advertising platform do you think is more effective: Facebook Ads or Google Ads?
In this post, we are going to decode which lead gen platform is better for REALTORs.