5 Fast Tips for Overcoming Failure in as a New Real Estate Agent
Failure in real estate is a hard pill to swallow. You put so much work into securing the listing or building trust with a buyer and they go another direction. The seller lists with another agent and the buyer walks into an open house and buys through the listing REALTOR. What gives? Failure is part of real estate and, to be honest, it shouldn’t even be called failure. Failure has a negative connotation and what we are dealing with her is not negative, it’s just learning, growing, and practice.

New Real Estate Agent Networking Hacks
Networking is a key part of selling real estate. As a new real estate agent, you need to have the skills to successfully meet people at events and build relationships with them. Networking and events can make up a huge part of your business building process, but you need to know how to effectively networking with people and work a room.

Survivorship Bias in Real Estate Agent Training
As a new real estate agent, you want to be successful, you crave that feeling of putting up multiple listings signs every week and a pay cheque waiting for you at the end of every week. As a new REALTOR or growing real estate agent, you listen to the pros at your office, in your market, and in books, podcasts, and blogs throughout the world. You intently listen to their stories thinking that if you do what they did, you will have their success. It’s natural to think that if you if follow their “one trick to ultimate success,” you will be the next in line for this success.

The ONE Key to Success as a New Real Estate Agent
In real estate there are a few very important things that will lead to a successful career. Often, we can over complicate the process and lose track of what is most important to our success. If you want to continue to grow your business over time, there is one thing that can almost guarantee your success. One trait that if you stick to it will put you in the top percentage of REALTORs before you know it.

Tips For Staying Organized in Real Estate
Staying organized in real estate is very important but it can also be very challenging. When you are first getting started, there may not be the deal flow to keep track of but there is still a lot of learning, prospecting, and marketing to organize.
In this new real estate agent training podcast, you will learn a few quick tips to help you stay organized in real estate.

Do You Have Passion for Your Career in Real Estate?
Where you instantly drawn to a career in real estate? Did you want to be a real estate agent when you were young and growing up? If so, you are one of very few real estate agents out there. Most REALTORs found there way into the career later on in life. Maybe someone said you would be great in sales or you have a business background, or maybe you caught the entrepreneurial bug or you bought a house and thought, “hey, I can do that!” Either way, most real estate agents find their way into this career later in life and don’t go up dreaming of selling homes.

How To Get Back on Track with your Real Estate Goals
Success in real estate is closely tied to consistency and sticking to your routines. We need to build positive habits that reflect our long terms goals and continue to do they daily activities required to reach out goals, but what happens when we get off track with our daily routines? How do we quickly get back on the right path to success?

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection in Real Estate
Rejection and real estate go hand in hand. They are almost too good of friends. When you are new in real estate, the rejection can really sting, and it can be a challenge to overcome the fear of rejection. After a new “no’s” and when you see your friend list with another agent, you can become discouraged and worried about the next day of prospecting.

The Best Book For New Real Estate Agents
When starting in real estate, there is a lot to learn and many books to read. With all the options out there, where do we start when we are selecting your first reads as a new real estate agent? When selecting your first read, understand that most of your success in real estate can all be traced back to one thing, mindset. Mindset will determine if you get back up after a rejection, if you keep working late when you need to learn a new concept, and if you ultimately succeed in real estate.

How to Overcome Perfectionism in Real Estate
We all want to succeed in real estate. We strive for excellence while working to always help our clients. We work hard prospecting, working on scripts, and creating Facebook ads and we do this all with a high standard. With having such a high standard, where does perfectionism come into the picture?

24 Best Books for New Real Estate Agents
As a new real estate agent on the path to success, you need to focus on the right things and read the right books to help you build your business and sell more real estate. Here you will learn the 27 best books for new real estate agents, and they will be organized for you. A long list of the best books for new REALTORs is good, but a list with structure is better.

7 Challenges of Being a Real Estate Agent and How To Avoid Them
Real estate professionals face a different set of challenges from most careers. In the real estate industry, you are required to know about a lot of different areas like law, negotiations, social media, sales, and business development. All while continuing to find new clients to help your business grow.