How To Plan Your Tasks in Real Estate
There are a million tasks you "could" be working on in real estate, but which ones "should" you work on? This is true for building any business.
If other agents have built successful businesses, then there needs to be some framework we can implement that will put us on a similar trajectory. To illustrate how to find the most appropriate tasks to focus on, all you need is the Eisenhower Matrix and an understanding of the "Magic Zone" in this table.
![Ultimate 1-3-5 Keller Williams Goal Setting Worksheet [FREE]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64f752d16d7f4857424daabb/1694087291204-Q1ZRESPDSZN8C69YTBZI/Podcast+Blog+Front+Graphic.png)
Ultimate 1-3-5 Keller Williams Goal Setting Worksheet [FREE]
The Keller Williams 1-3-5 Goal Setting Framework is the perfect framework for defining your goal, then building priorities and strategies. This structure is also known as Keller Wiliams GSP (Goal, Strategy, Priorities). This tool will make you a successful real estate agent provided you build the proper systems into your goal setting plan

Hacking Real Estate Success with Happiness
In real estate, we are all chasing after the next deal, lead, or agent to hire. It's human nature to have the mindset that having more success in real estate will lead to more happiness. However, what if this is a broken equation and happiness will actually lead to more success?
Shawn Achor demonstrated this with his research at Harvard. As a real estate agent, regardless of where your production is, we need to be finding joy in our careers. Not only will this lead to a more enjoyable life, but studies suggest that we can increase our sales by 37% by changing the way we look at the world.

How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in Business
As a real estate agent, it is easy to compare yourself to others. Other agents at your office may be quick to let you know about their recent successes and social media has made it too easy to compare ourselves with others. It’s human nature to look to others to see how we compare. Regardless, we all still find ourselves scrolling through one of our competitor’s social media profiles wondering what we are doing wrong.

5 Quick Sales Tips for Introverted Real Estate Agents
For years real estate agents had this image of being loud, over the top, sales people. Many new real estate agent are concerned that they will not be able to succeed unless they are extroverted. This is not the case! There are many benefits to selling real estate as an introvert. In fact, many of the best modern salespeople have introverted tendencies. Yes, introverts still need to build their communication skills and go to events that are not the most comfortable, but extroverts also need to learn how to ask the right questions, slow down their speech, allow prospects to talk.

Reframing Difficult Tasks in Real Estate
In real estate, there are certain tasks that will naturally be more difficult than others. Knowing that you need to cold call or door knock that day might make you want to cringe, but, what if the tasks you are dreading weren’t really that bad? What if you were excited to prospect instead of worry about if someone is going to hang up on you? In real estate, you need to know how to deal with difficult tasks and do them at a high level.

Part Time Real Estate Agent Tips and Tricks
Starting your real estate career is just like starting any other new business: it takes time, effort, and money. In real estate, there is a growth stage and you keeping a job while you are building your business can be a great way to pay your bills and learn as your business expands. To be successful as a part time real estate agent, you need to focus on the highest and best use of your time and you need to keep you mindset focused on selling real estate.

Building a Sustainable Real Estate Schedule
In real estate, you need to build your prospecting schedule with sustainability in mind. We have all been to conferences and had the rush of excitement when we get back. We plan on putting everything into action but after a few days, we lose interest and begin to stop doing these activities. Usually, this is because what we are trying to do is not sustainable. We plan to prospect for 8 hours a day, doing activities we don’t like, and we tell ourselves that we are doing it, “to be successful.” You don’t need to work 24/7 in real estate to be successful; you just need a sustainable prospecting schedule.

How To Never Split The Difference in Real Estate
As a real estate agent, you need to know how to effectively negotiate with other real estate agents, sellers, and even your own buyers. In the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss there are a number of tips and tricks for real estate agents. Two of the most power concepts include Tactical Empathy and Calibrated Questions. These two parts to negotiation make the other party lower their guard and it turns the negotiation into a problem solving venture.

Real Estate Advice I’d Give My Younger Self
Asking someone in real estate, “if you were to start again, what would you do differently,” can be one of the most powerful questions. This can feel like someone’s silver bullet to success and the answers can be very telling. In this episode, I discuss three things I wish I did differently from the start and some fast tips if you wish to start doing these things right away. They are letting go of fear, setting a prospecting schedule, and geo-farming.

Four Personalities You Need To Know in Real Estate (Colors)
As a real estate agent, you will deal with many different types of people and personalities. Knowing how to sell to each personality type can be a huge advantage as a real estate agent. There are various personality testing mechanisms, but the testing we use is DiSC and associate each 4 personality types with a color. There is D - Driver (Red), I - Influence (Yellow), S - Steadiness (Green), C - Conscientious (Blue).
In this real estate agent training podcast, you will learn about the 4 different personality types.

What is the Real Estate 3-2-1 Habit
As a real estate agent, you need to have a plan when you first get into the office. You should be able to start the day in a similar way each day with strategies that set your mindset up for success. The Real Estate 3-2-1 is a simple exercise that you can do every morning when you first get into the office. It will take less than 5 minutes and will leave you feeling happier, more optimistic, healthier, and productive.