The Best Way To Study for the Real Estate Exam
Studying for the real estate exam takes dedication and focus. The exam has challenging questions, so you'll need to be prepared. That is why this article aims to provide some directions on how to become a real estate agent. To prepare for the real estate exam and to get your real estate license, you will need to create a study schedule and build systems to internalize the information you’re learning.

How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in Business
As a real estate agent, it is easy to compare yourself to others. Other agents at your office may be quick to let you know about their recent successes and social media has made it too easy to compare ourselves with others. It’s human nature to look to others to see how we compare. Regardless, we all still find ourselves scrolling through one of our competitor’s social media profiles wondering what we are doing wrong.

How To Never Split The Difference in Real Estate
As a real estate agent, you need to know how to effectively negotiate with other real estate agents, sellers, and even your own buyers. In the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss there are a number of tips and tricks for real estate agents. Two of the most power concepts include Tactical Empathy and Calibrated Questions. These two parts to negotiation make the other party lower their guard and it turns the negotiation into a problem solving venture.

Real Estate Advice I’d Give My Younger Self
Asking someone in real estate, “if you were to start again, what would you do differently,” can be one of the most powerful questions. This can feel like someone’s silver bullet to success and the answers can be very telling. In this episode, I discuss three things I wish I did differently from the start and some fast tips if you wish to start doing these things right away. They are letting go of fear, setting a prospecting schedule, and geo-farming.

Selling Real Estate to Analytical Personalities (Blue/High C)
When selling real estate, you need to have an understanding of the 4 personality types. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 types: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue). In this podcast, you will be learning how to sell to the Blue personalities or the High C personalities. These are the analytical personalities and the detail oriented people. They can be very slow to make decisions and need all of the information before moving forward.

Selling Real Estate to Steady Personalities (Green/High S)
When selling real estate, you need to have an understanding of the 4 personality types. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 type: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue) . In this podcast, you will be learning how to sell to the Green personalities or the High S personalities. These people dislike conflict and are risk averse. They crave safety and are slow to make decisions. Knowing how to sell to this personality type is very important because there is risk and change when someone is buying or selling a home.

Selling Real Estate to Influencer Personalities (Yellow/High I)
Selling real estate requires a keen understanding of people and their personalities. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 type: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue). Each of these 4 personalities require a different sales approach to win them over in real estate. High I personalities or Yellows are outgoing, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. As a real estate agent, you will need to perfect your small talking skills as they want to know who you are. They are very concerned with likeability and rapport.

Selling Real Estate to Dominant Personalities (Red/High D)
Selling real estate to dominant personalities takes skill and tact. Dominant personalities are coded with the color Red or known as High Ds in a DiSC personality test. High Ds are risk tolerant, quick to make decision, and they prioritize results and time. In sales, you never want to “tell” a red personality what to do as they will resent the salesperson; furthermore, you want to be first in the door because they will be quick to select an agent on the spot.

Do You Have a Lead Quality Problem in Real Estate?
As a new real estate agent, one of the main challenges that you will face is getting leads. This is a common problem that not only new real estate agents have but also experienced REALTORs. The need for more leads doesn’t end as you move forward in real estate, but your perspective might change. The initial mindset is “I need more leads” or “I need better leads.” There is nothing wrong with wanting more leads but chances are you aren’t necessarily just looking for leads, you want more buyers and sellers in your pipeline. Just a name with a wrong phone number and an unresponsive email is not necessarily what you want. You want true buyers and sellers.

5 Fast Tips for Overcoming Failure in as a New Real Estate Agent
Failure in real estate is a hard pill to swallow. You put so much work into securing the listing or building trust with a buyer and they go another direction. The seller lists with another agent and the buyer walks into an open house and buys through the listing REALTOR. What gives? Failure is part of real estate and, to be honest, it shouldn’t even be called failure. Failure has a negative connotation and what we are dealing with her is not negative, it’s just learning, growing, and practice.

The Best Questions to Ask Real Estate Leads
In real estate, most training is around script training and objection handling. These concepts are very important for real estate agents, but oftentimes, the questions we ask are the key to connecting with leads. If you ask the right questions, you find out so much about the lead, what their needs are, and you begin to understand their motivation. Real estate leads need to feel heard and they can pick up instantly on any feelings of insincerity. Asking the right questions is truly one of the keys that every real estate agent needs to know to sell more homes and connect with more people.

Survivorship Bias in Real Estate Agent Training
As a new real estate agent, you want to be successful, you crave that feeling of putting up multiple listings signs every week and a pay cheque waiting for you at the end of every week. As a new REALTOR or growing real estate agent, you listen to the pros at your office, in your market, and in books, podcasts, and blogs throughout the world. You intently listen to their stories thinking that if you do what they did, you will have their success. It’s natural to think that if you if follow their “one trick to ultimate success,” you will be the next in line for this success.