![13 Real Estate Agent Video Ideas [That Generates Leads]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64f752d16d7f4857424daabb/1694085371787-AMJGCHB43FEFKRMN74NE/Blog+Title+Image.jpg)

The BEST Content Marketing Channel for Real Estate
As a real estate agent, you need to be leveraging content marketing to help attract more leads and prospects to you, but, with all the content marketing channels out there, which is the best one for a real estate agent? Content marketing in real estate can consist of blogging, social media, video, podcasting/audio, and even books and speaking. With all these approaches to content marketing and only so much time to dedicate to producing content, it can be hard to find the right channel to use as a REALTOR.
![5 Tips To Look Natural on Camera [New REALTORs]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64f752d16d7f4857424daabb/1694087937227-IX9NB3R27Y4ISID2IDTJ/Podcast+Blog+Front+Graphic+%2817%29.jpg)
5 Tips To Look Natural on Camera [New REALTORs]
As a new real estate agent, you know the importance of using video in your business, but how can we start to feel more natural on camera? Video has led the way when it comes to personal marketing in real estate and connecting with the consumer. Many top businesses started to use video in their marketing, blogs, and social media profiles when the stats started to come out on user interaction with video and the search engine’s love for this type of content.

Real Estate Lead Follow Up Hack
In today’s world, it can be hard to connect with a real estate leads. Driving leads to sign up on your website can be accomplished with Facebook ads or Google ads, however, converting the lead and starting a conversation with the real estate lead is on you as the agent.
Real estate agents know the importance of “speed to lead” and trying to get to the lead in less than 5 minutes.