33 Touch Campaign For Real Estate Agents
The 33 Touch Campaign is the systematized approach to stay in touch with your database over the course of one year. The concept comes from The Millionaire Real Estate Agent book by Gary Keller. Keller’s research indicates that people need to hear from you 33 times per year to remember you and for you to stay top of mind.

8 x 8 Real Estate Touch Ideas for REALTORs
In real estate, the 8x8 and 33 touch campaigns are used to stay in touch with people in your database. You can use these strategies together. The 8x8 campaign is used when you meet a new person who is entering your database or when someone in your database shows interest in selling or buying. The 33-touch campaign is used to stay in touch with your database throughout the year.

Real Estate Buyer Questionnaire and Guide
As a real estate agent, working with buyers can be a rewarding and exciting process. Helping a buyer purchase a home can be one of the most enjoyable processes in real estate. However, it can also come with hurdles. With a real estate buyer questionnaire in hand, you can set yourself up for success during the buyer consultation interview and take many of the pain points out of the buying process. What are the best questions to ask a buyer when you are meeting them? Let’s find out!

How To Predict Real Estate Prices
Do you want to know what prices are going to do in your city over the next year? With these tips for real estate agents, you can put yourself in the best position possible to estimate what will happen with real estate prices over the next year. Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances that can impact the real estate market but with these tips you can increase the chances that you will be able to accurately forecast the direction of the market.

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection in Real Estate
Rejection and real estate go hand in hand. They are almost too good of friends. When you are new in real estate, the rejection can really sting, and it can be a challenge to overcome the fear of rejection. After a new “no’s” and when you see your friend list with another agent, you can become discouraged and worried about the next day of prospecting.

The Best Conversation Between a Real Estate Agent and Buyer
When you are working with a buyer, it can be endlessly frustrating when they just can’t find the right home. It isn’t just frustrating for the real estate agent, it is challenging for the client looking to buy a home.
Here, you will learn two powerful scripts and techniques that you can use to help the buyer along the process. These are best used at the time of an initial buyer consultation then again when you are not able to find what they are looking for, however, you can use it any point in the process.