Building a Sustainable Real Estate Schedule
In real estate, you need to build your prospecting schedule with sustainability in mind. We have all been to conferences and had the rush of excitement when we get back. We plan on putting everything into action but after a few days, we lose interest and begin to stop doing these activities. Usually, this is because what we are trying to do is not sustainable. We plan to prospect for 8 hours a day, doing activities we don’t like, and we tell ourselves that we are doing it, “to be successful.” You don’t need to work 24/7 in real estate to be successful; you just need a sustainable prospecting schedule.

Join a Real Estate Team or Go Solo?
There is so much to know in real estate. The list of skills required to be a successful real estate agent is endless. How does one learn everything they need to know to be a successful real estate agent? Well, it comes down to the people you pair with. That might be choosing to join a real estate team or working closely with a real estate mentor. If you are new real estate agent (0-2 years experience) a team and mentor is recommended in most cases. If you are a growing agent (3-5 years experience) then a team may work or you could just want to pair with a great mentor.

How To Never Split The Difference in Real Estate
As a real estate agent, you need to know how to effectively negotiate with other real estate agents, sellers, and even your own buyers. In the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss there are a number of tips and tricks for real estate agents. Two of the most power concepts include Tactical Empathy and Calibrated Questions. These two parts to negotiation make the other party lower their guard and it turns the negotiation into a problem solving venture.

Real Estate Advice I’d Give My Younger Self
Asking someone in real estate, “if you were to start again, what would you do differently,” can be one of the most powerful questions. This can feel like someone’s silver bullet to success and the answers can be very telling. In this episode, I discuss three things I wish I did differently from the start and some fast tips if you wish to start doing these things right away. They are letting go of fear, setting a prospecting schedule, and geo-farming.

Handling Negative Real Estate Reviews
In real estate, negative reviews are just part of the business. They aren’t fun and they can really sting but they do happen. Avoiding them completely either means you aren’t taking enough challenges with your business or your aren’t asking enough people for reviews. Negative reviews can be an opportunity. You can respond with positive customer service and actually put your business in a better position despite the negative review.

How To Pick a Real Estate Niche
Choosing a real estate niche can be one of the best things for your real estate business. But, how do you go about selecting a real estate niche or speciality? There are many options to choose from like geo-farming, demographic farming, property type specialties, and transaction type specialties like foreclosures or short sales. Choose the best real estate niche involves looking at the different types of specialities, analyzing the commercial intent, gauging your interest, committing, and moving forward without fear.

Selling Real Estate to Analytical Personalities (Blue/High C)
When selling real estate, you need to have an understanding of the 4 personality types. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 types: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue). In this podcast, you will be learning how to sell to the Blue personalities or the High C personalities. These are the analytical personalities and the detail oriented people. They can be very slow to make decisions and need all of the information before moving forward.

Selling Real Estate to Steady Personalities (Green/High S)
When selling real estate, you need to have an understanding of the 4 personality types. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 type: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue) . In this podcast, you will be learning how to sell to the Green personalities or the High S personalities. These people dislike conflict and are risk averse. They crave safety and are slow to make decisions. Knowing how to sell to this personality type is very important because there is risk and change when someone is buying or selling a home.

Selling Real Estate to Influencer Personalities (Yellow/High I)
Selling real estate requires a keen understanding of people and their personalities. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 type: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue). Each of these 4 personalities require a different sales approach to win them over in real estate. High I personalities or Yellows are outgoing, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. As a real estate agent, you will need to perfect your small talking skills as they want to know who you are. They are very concerned with likeability and rapport.

Selling Real Estate to Dominant Personalities (Red/High D)
Selling real estate to dominant personalities takes skill and tact. Dominant personalities are coded with the color Red or known as High Ds in a DiSC personality test. High Ds are risk tolerant, quick to make decision, and they prioritize results and time. In sales, you never want to “tell” a red personality what to do as they will resent the salesperson; furthermore, you want to be first in the door because they will be quick to select an agent on the spot.

Four Personalities You Need To Know in Real Estate (Colors)
As a real estate agent, you will deal with many different types of people and personalities. Knowing how to sell to each personality type can be a huge advantage as a real estate agent. There are various personality testing mechanisms, but the testing we use is DiSC and associate each 4 personality types with a color. There is D - Driver (Red), I - Influence (Yellow), S - Steadiness (Green), C - Conscientious (Blue).
In this real estate agent training podcast, you will learn about the 4 different personality types.

B2B Sales in Real Estate
In real estate, agents are quick to have many conversations with potential consumers, however, they forget about business contacts. REALTORs that overlook business to business (B2B) contacts are missing a large potential source of referrals. Just like other business owners, real estate agents can build strong relationships with other business owners in theri city.