21 Effective Ways to Ask for Referrals (Even If You Hate Asking)
As a real estate agent, you need to understand how to ask for real estate referrals. Top producers in real estate not only provide excellent service when buying or selling real estate, but they also leverage people in their network to grow their business and stay top of mind. There are several sources of referrals in real estate, whether that be friends and family, your sphere of influence, past clients, other real estate agents, or business owners.

Market Mondays: Listing Update Email
As a real estate agent, you need a system for listing maintenance and following up with sellers during your listing agreement. Market Monday is an email you can send your sellers on a weekly basis. This email keeps them updated on the market conditions and primes them for a price reduction. It is a simple email that includes feedback, market updates, marketing, and a REALTOR recommendation.
![How To Build Your Network as a New REALTOR® [Quick Start Guide]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64f752d16d7f4857424daabb/1694087210463-W4XZOOQS06PY5CPQO70G/Copy+of+Copy+of+Copy+of+Copy+of+Blog+Front+Graphic+%283%29.jpg)
How To Build Your Network as a New REALTOR® [Quick Start Guide]
As a new real estate agent, you know the importance of building a network of people around you who will refer you business. This will likely be your largest source of business as time goes on in your career, but how do you go about building your network and meeting more people in real estate?

5 Quick Sales Tips for Introverted Real Estate Agents
For years real estate agents had this image of being loud, over the top, sales people. Many new real estate agent are concerned that they will not be able to succeed unless they are extroverted. This is not the case! There are many benefits to selling real estate as an introvert. In fact, many of the best modern salespeople have introverted tendencies. Yes, introverts still need to build their communication skills and go to events that are not the most comfortable, but extroverts also need to learn how to ask the right questions, slow down their speech, allow prospects to talk.

The Rule of 7 in Real Estate Agent Marketing
As a real estate agent, you need to be constantly staying top of mind with your clients and potential clients. Have you ever logged onto Facebook and noticed that someone in your network just listed their home with another agent? This is one of the most challenging feelings in real estate. One of the main contributors to this is not everyone in your database knows you are in real estate. In fact, in marketing, there is a rule that people need to hear your message 7 times before they start to see you as a service provider. Therefore, if you have only had a few conversations with the person that listed with someone else, then chances are, they don’t even know you are in real estate.

The Best Free Real Estate Agent Tools for 2019
As a real estate agent, there are so many apps, tools, and CRMs to choose from. Each piece of software works a little differently and has certain features. What are the best tools out there if you are on a budget and want to focus on free tools only? We have your back! Here are our favorite real estate agent tools, apps, and CRMs for 2019. They include tools for meditation, productivity, organization, video, lead generation, social media, and graphic design.

How To Easily Make $100,000 in Real Estate
In real estate, making $100,000 is a very achievable goal. Having a commission goal of $100,000 is a common number that most new and growing real estate agents will set for themselves and you can hit this goal even if you don’t have any people in your database. In this post and podcast, you will learn how you can go from have no people in your database to $100,000 in real estate commission in 1-2 years.

The Best Free Lead Gen Idea for Database Marketing in Real Estate
As a new real estate agent, you will be searching for many ways generate leads for your real estate business. There are countless ways that you can focus on to attract buyers and sellers as a REALTOR, however, chances are your first few deals, and most of your deals over the course of your career, will come from your database. If you build your database and continue to take care of those in your database, you will have a steady stream of income for your entire career. One of the best lead gen ideas for database marketing in real estate is the annual real estate evaluation for everyone you know.

How To Quickly Get Clients in Real Estate
It doesn’t matter if you are a new real estate agent or an experienced REALTOR, everyone will hit that point when they say “SOS, I need a deal now.” In real estate, the sales cycle is usually 90 days. Therefore, the prospecting and action you take now will benefit you in 90 days. This sales cycle is one of the great challenges for new real estate agents, especially if you are familiar with quick sales cycles. SOS, I all about needing to sell a home fast. At this point, we are still mindful of the 90 day cycle, however, the approach is much more direct and with time constraints.

33 Touch Campaign For Real Estate Agents
The 33 Touch Campaign is the systematized approach to stay in touch with your database over the course of one year. The concept comes from The Millionaire Real Estate Agent book by Gary Keller. Keller’s research indicates that people need to hear from you 33 times per year to remember you and for you to stay top of mind.

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads for Real Estate Agents
As a real estate agent, you are constantly looking for lead generation tips and tricks to help drive more businesses into your pipeline. When looking at lead generation strategies, the two main sources are Facebook Ads and Google Ads. As a real estate agent, is which advertising platform do you think is more effective: Facebook Ads or Google Ads?
In this post, we are going to decode which lead gen platform is better for REALTORs.