33 Touch Campaign For Real Estate Agents

33 Touch Campaign For Real Estate Agents

The 33 Touch Campaign is the systematized approach to stay in touch with your database over the course of one year. The concept comes from The Millionaire Real Estate Agent book by Gary Keller. Keller’s research indicates that people need to hear from you 33 times per year to remember you and for you to stay top of mind.

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8 x 8 Real Estate Touch Ideas for REALTORs

8 x 8 Real Estate Touch Ideas for REALTORs

In real estate, the 8x8 and 33 touch campaigns are used to stay in touch with people in your database. You can use these strategies together. The 8x8 campaign is used when you meet a new person who is entering your database or when someone in your database shows interest in selling or buying. The 33-touch campaign is used to stay in touch with your database throughout the year.

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Real Estate Buyer Questionnaire and Guide
Buyers, New Agents, Systems Michael Montgomery Buyers, New Agents, Systems Michael Montgomery

Real Estate Buyer Questionnaire and Guide

As a real estate agent, working with buyers can be a rewarding and exciting process. Helping a buyer purchase a home can be one of the most enjoyable processes in real estate. However, it can also come with hurdles. With a real estate buyer questionnaire in hand, you can set yourself up for success during the buyer consultation interview and take many of the pain points out of the buying process. What are the best questions to ask a buyer when you are meeting them? Let’s find out!

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How To Get Back on Track with your Real Estate Goals

How To Get Back on Track with your Real Estate Goals

Success in real estate is closely tied to consistency and sticking to your routines. We need to build positive habits that reflect our long terms goals and continue to do they daily activities required to reach out goals, but what happens when we get off track with our daily routines? How do we quickly get back on the right path to success?

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Facebook Ads vs Google Ads for Real Estate Agents
Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, you are constantly looking for lead generation tips and tricks to help drive more businesses into your pipeline. When looking at lead generation strategies, the two main sources are Facebook Ads and Google Ads. As a real estate agent, is which advertising platform do you think is more effective: Facebook Ads or Google Ads?

In this post, we are going to decode which lead gen platform is better for REALTORs.

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Newsjacking for Real Estate Agents
Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Newsjacking for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, being featured in the news can be a huge competitive advantage. A news feature is free publicity and advertising for you, and it helps position you as a local expert. Some real estate agents spend years building relationships with journalist and news agencies to be their go-to source for local real estate stories. As a new or growing real estate agent, how can you break into the news without years of experience or strong relationships in the news industry?

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How To Predict Real Estate Prices
Buyers, Sellers, Systems Michael Montgomery Buyers, Sellers, Systems Michael Montgomery

How To Predict Real Estate Prices

Do you want to know what prices are going to do in your city over the next year? With these tips for real estate agents, you can put yourself in the best position possible to estimate what will happen with real estate prices over the next year. Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances that can impact the real estate market but with these tips you can increase the chances that you will be able to accurately forecast the direction of the market.

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The Most Important Word in Sales
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

The Most Important Word in Sales

As a real estate agent, we need to understand the power of the words we use. We are constantly having conversations with leads, clients, and other real estate agents, but how effective are we being with the words we are choosing? Did you know, there is one word that has scientifically been proven to dramatically increase your persuasion? In this article, you will learn the one word that you can use in sales that will improve your chances of getting what you wan

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Getting Comfortable with Real Estate Scripts [5 Steps]
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Getting Comfortable with Real Estate Scripts [5 Steps]

As a real estate agent, scripts and dialogues are guides to help you become a successful real estate agent. The concept of downloading a script and reading it seems easy until you start trying them. When we start role playing or we have a lead on the phone, one question can throw us off. Scripts and dialogues become a challenge, and they can feel unnatural when we are in the moment

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Overcoming the Fear of Rejection in Real Estate

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection in Real Estate

Rejection and real estate go hand in hand. They are almost too good of friends. When you are new in real estate, the rejection can really sting, and it can be a challenge to overcome the fear of rejection. After a new “no’s” and when you see your friend list with another agent, you can become discouraged and worried about the next day of prospecting.

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How To Deal with A Quick Offer in Real Estate
Sellers, New Agents Michael Montgomery Sellers, New Agents Michael Montgomery

How To Deal with A Quick Offer in Real Estate

There is nothing better than putting a property on the market and receiving a quick offer. As a real estate agent, you jump for joy knowing that the pricing, marketing, and timing all aligned on this listing. You go to present the offer to the seller knowing that they will be equally as excited to be receiving an offer this quickly and the seller turns to you and says “No, we are too new on the market”

Just like that, your excitement evaporates, and you are trying to find the right things to say to your seller.

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The Best Book For New Real Estate Agents
New Agents, Systems, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery New Agents, Systems, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery

The Best Book For New Real Estate Agents

When starting in real estate, there is a lot to learn and many books to read. With all the options out there, where do we start when we are selecting your first reads as a new real estate agent? When selecting your first read, understand that most of your success in real estate can all be traced back to one thing, mindset. Mindset will determine if you get back up after a rejection, if you keep working late when you need to learn a new concept, and if you ultimately succeed in real estate.

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