Selling Real Estate to Analytical Personalities (Blue/High C)

Selling Real Estate to Analytical Personalities (Blue/High C)

When selling real estate, you need to have an understanding of the 4 personality types. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 types: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue). In this podcast, you will be learning how to sell to the Blue personalities or the High C personalities. These are the analytical personalities and the detail oriented people. They can be very slow to make decisions and need all of the information before moving forward.

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Selling Real Estate to Steady Personalities (Green/High S)

Selling Real Estate to Steady Personalities (Green/High S)

When selling real estate, you need to have an understanding of the 4 personality types. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 type: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue) . In this podcast, you will be learning how to sell to the Green personalities or the High S personalities. These people dislike conflict and are risk averse. They crave safety and are slow to make decisions. Knowing how to sell to this personality type is very important because there is risk and change when someone is buying or selling a home.

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Selling Real Estate to Influencer Personalities (Yellow/High I)

Selling Real Estate to Influencer Personalities (Yellow/High I)

Selling real estate requires a keen understanding of people and their personalities. The DiSC test breaks personalities into 4 type: Dominant (Red), Influencer (Yellow), Stead (Green), and Conscientious (Blue). Each of these 4 personalities require a different sales approach to win them over in real estate. High I personalities or Yellows are outgoing, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. As a real estate agent, you will need to perfect your small talking skills as they want to know who you are. They are very concerned with likeability and rapport.

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Selling Real Estate to Dominant Personalities (Red/High D)

Selling Real Estate to Dominant Personalities (Red/High D)

Selling real estate to dominant personalities takes skill and tact. Dominant personalities are coded with the color Red or known as High Ds in a DiSC personality test. High Ds are risk tolerant, quick to make decision, and they prioritize results and time. In sales, you never want to “tell” a red personality what to do as they will resent the salesperson; furthermore, you want to be first in the door because they will be quick to select an agent on the spot.

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Four Personalities You Need To Know in Real Estate (Colors)

Four Personalities You Need To Know in Real Estate (Colors)

As a real estate agent, you will deal with many different types of people and personalities. Knowing how to sell to each personality type can be a huge advantage as a real estate agent. There are various personality testing mechanisms, but the testing we use is DiSC and associate each 4 personality types with a color. There is D - Driver (Red), I - Influence (Yellow), S - Steadiness (Green), C - Conscientious (Blue).

In this real estate agent training podcast, you will learn about the 4 different personality types.

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B2B Sales in Real Estate
New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

B2B Sales in Real Estate

In real estate, agents are quick to have many conversations with potential consumers, however, they forget about business contacts. REALTORs that overlook business to business (B2B) contacts are missing a large potential source of referrals. Just like other business owners, real estate agents can build strong relationships with other business owners in theri city.

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Best Closing Gifts for Buyers and Sellers
Buyers, Marketing, New Agents, Sellers Michael Montgomery Buyers, Marketing, New Agents, Sellers Michael Montgomery

Best Closing Gifts for Buyers and Sellers

Choosing a closing gift for a buyer or seller can be difficult in real estate. There is no real etiquette set out and it can be a challenge to determine if it should be a personalized gift or a systematized approach. Although it can take some time, selecting the right gift can be extremely important and can strengthen the bond between you and your client. Not to mention, it just feels good to give a nice closing gift to a client!

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What is the Real Estate 3-2-1 Habit
New Agents, Systems, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery New Agents, Systems, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery

What is the Real Estate 3-2-1 Habit

As a real estate agent, you need to have a plan when you first get into the office. You should be able to start the day in a similar way each day with strategies that set your mindset up for success. The Real Estate 3-2-1 is a simple exercise that you can do every morning when you first get into the office. It will take less than 5 minutes and will leave you feeling happier, more optimistic, healthier, and productive.

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3 Stats Real Estate Agents Need to Know
Michael Montgomery Michael Montgomery

3 Stats Real Estate Agents Need to Know

The top real estate agents wear a lot of hats and they wear them well. One of those skills that every top real estate agent needs is understanding the real estate market and interpreting the data. Understanding your local real estate statistics won’t just help you price properties and understand value, it will also differentiate your in your marketplace. Most agent’s knowledge of stats extend only to basic figures such as average sale price and average days on market. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with this numbers, but they are just the beginning when it comes to understanding market stats.

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How To Easily Make $100,000 in Real Estate
New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

How To Easily Make $100,000 in Real Estate

In real estate, making $100,000 is a very achievable goal. Having a commission goal of $100,000 is a common number that most new and growing real estate agents will set for themselves and you can hit this goal even if you don’t have any people in your database. In this post and podcast, you will learn how you can go from have no people in your database to $100,000 in real estate commission in 1-2 years.

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Why You Don't Like To Prospect in Real Estate
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Why You Don't Like To Prospect in Real Estate

For most real estate agents, their favorite activity in real estate is not prospecting, however, prospecting is the main driver behind a REALTOR's income. Most agents end up trying to prospect daily by doing activities they don't like or don't fit with their personalities. What if prospecting didn't have to be such a challenge and you could look forward to your daily prospecting?

In this real estate agent training podcast, you will learn why you may not like prospecting and what you can do about it.

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Do You Have a Lead Quality Problem in Real Estate?
New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Do You Have a Lead Quality Problem in Real Estate?

As a new real estate agent, one of the main challenges that you will face is getting leads. This is a common problem that not only new real estate agents have but also experienced REALTORs. The need for more leads doesn’t end as you move forward in real estate, but your perspective might change. The initial mindset is “I need more leads” or “I need better leads.” There is nothing wrong with wanting more leads but chances are you aren’t necessarily just looking for leads, you want more buyers and sellers in your pipeline. Just a name with a wrong phone number and an unresponsive email is not necessarily what you want. You want true buyers and sellers.

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