Is Cold Calling Dead in Real Estate?
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Is Cold Calling Dead in Real Estate?

Almost every real estate agent will consider cold calling in their career. They may not like it when people cold call them but part of them is intrigued by the idea of picking up the phone, making a few calls and landing a listing presentation. Cold calling is a perfectly acceptable form of lead generation in real estate, but you need to understand that trade offs. If your cold calling is coming at the expense of your database marketing, then you are making a mistake. Cold calling is a huge time investment and, in our opinion, there are better ways to generate leads in real estate. That said, it can be used in tandem with geo farming.

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How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in Business
New Agents, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery New Agents, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery

How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in Business

As a real estate agent, it is easy to compare yourself to others. Other agents at your office may be quick to let you know about their recent successes and social media has made it too easy to compare ourselves with others. It’s human nature to look to others to see how we compare. Regardless, we all still find ourselves scrolling through one of our competitor’s social media profiles wondering what we are doing wrong.

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How To Attend a Conference as a REALTOR
New Agents, Systems Michael Montgomery New Agents, Systems Michael Montgomery

How To Attend a Conference as a REALTOR

They say that conferences are the best places to network and meet potential clients, and while there is truth to this, there is a lot of value a real estate agent can pull from a professional conference. From all the learning that can be accomplished to the social media content you can capture and skills you can refine. In this podcast, you will learn 7 tips to get the most out of your next professional conference.

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How Long Will It Take To Be Successful in Real Estate
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

How Long Will It Take To Be Successful in Real Estate

As a new real estate agent, how long will it take for you to become profitable and start making money? This question comes up a lot. Realtors become licensed and are excited to get out there and start selling homes. This is not the way building a business works. It takes time and strategy to start producing and selling homes. Then after a few years when there are some deals flowing in, how do you become more profitable? Do you try to increase revenue or decrease expenses?

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 Text Messaging Tips for Realtors
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Text Messaging Tips for Realtors

As a real estate agent using text messaging can be one of your best prospecting mediums. In our modern world, most leads will prefer text message to phone calls. That’s not to say we shouldn’t call leads during prospecting time, but you are most likely to get a response over text. In this real estate agent podcast, you will learn some quick text messaging tips and a few scripts for lead generation and touching base with your database.

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How To Get Leads at Open Houses
Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

How To Get Leads at Open Houses

As a real estate agent, you need to have a diverse set of lead generation strategies. Open houses can be a gold mine for buyers and sellers, however, most REALTORS do not gather the leads they are hoping for at an open house. They find that buyers can be guarded and not want to give up their information. Well, that might be true, but with these tips, you will be able to increase the chances of getting the guests information and land more leads from your open houses.

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5 Quick Sales Tips for Introverted Real Estate Agents
New Agents, Prospecting and Sales, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery New Agents, Prospecting and Sales, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery

5 Quick Sales Tips for Introverted Real Estate Agents

For years real estate agents had this image of being loud, over the top, sales people. Many new real estate agent are concerned that they will not be able to succeed unless they are extroverted. This is not the case! There are many benefits to selling real estate as an introvert. In fact, many of the best modern salespeople have introverted tendencies. Yes, introverts still need to build their communication skills and go to events that are not the most comfortable, but extroverts also need to learn how to ask the right questions, slow down their speech, allow prospects to talk.

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The Rule of 7 in Real Estate Agent Marketing
Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

The Rule of 7 in Real Estate Agent Marketing

As a real estate agent, you need to be constantly staying top of mind with your clients and potential clients. Have you ever logged onto Facebook and noticed that someone in your network just listed their home with another agent? This is one of the most challenging feelings in real estate. One of the main contributors to this is not everyone in your database knows you are in real estate. In fact, in marketing, there is a rule that people need to hear your message 7 times before they start to see you as a service provider. Therefore, if you have only had a few conversations with the person that listed with someone else, then chances are, they don’t even know you are in real estate.

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Proven Instagram Tips for New Real Estate Agents
Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery Marketing, New Agents, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Proven Instagram Tips for New Real Estate Agents

Instagram is an amazing tool for real estate agents and if used properly it can lead to an endless stream of business. Along with other social media channels, Instagram is a top way to easily stay in touch with your network and build new connections. In this lesson, you will learn 4 quick tips that you can start using right away and there are 5 Instagram tools that will help speed up your success on Instagram.

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Reframing Difficult Tasks in Real Estate
New Agents, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery New Agents, Personal Growth Michael Montgomery

Reframing Difficult Tasks in Real Estate

In real estate, there are certain tasks that will naturally be more difficult than others. Knowing that you need to cold call or door knock that day might make you want to cringe, but, what if the tasks you are dreading weren’t really that bad? What if you were excited to prospect instead of worry about if someone is going to hang up on you? In real estate, you need to know how to deal with difficult tasks and do them at a high level.

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Most Popular Real Estate Tips from 100 Episodes
Marketing, New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery Marketing, New Agents, Systems, Prospecting and Sales Michael Montgomery

Most Popular Real Estate Tips from 100 Episodes

After 100 episodes of Rev Real Estate School, there are four clear winners when it comes to the most popular trips and tricks for real estate agents. These four episodes were downloaded more than any other lessons in our first 100 episodes of Rev Real Estate School. There are tips on becoming a regular, email marketing, questions for leads, and how to make $100,000 in real estate!

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Building Trust With Real Estate Buyers
Buyers, New Agents Guest User Buyers, New Agents Guest User

Building Trust With Real Estate Buyers

As a real estate agent, most of your business will probably come from your sphere of influence, past clients, and referrals. One of the best ways to spark referrals is through building trust with your current buyers. Real estate buyers can be the best source of referrals because they spend so much time with their agent and a bond is formed. You can build more trust with your buyers by offering them a ride, pointing out negatives in homes, asking questions, providing advice, and nailing your social media profiles.

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